If you think that you can have long life based on how long your grandparents and parents live, then you’re partly correct. Though genetics have an impact you still have more control of how long you should live that is based on your lifestyle choices says Dr. Michael Roizen, chief wellness officer at the Cleveland Clinic. He stated certain habits that will certainly add years to your life.
1. Go to Bed 15 minutes earlier: Add 3 years to your life
This habit will help you get an extra 7.5 hours of shut-eye in a month. Because sleep is very much important since it is when every organ and system in your body repairs, restores and resets itself. Not having enough sleep compromises on how well your entire body functions and the negative impact it brings.
2. Walk 30 minutes a day: Add 2.2 years to your life
It is the simplest form of exercise that everybody can do. Just a 30 minute walk a day, it can already keep your weight steady and can lower your risk of heart disease and diabetes.
3. Get up and move: Add 5.6 years to your life
Just as giving yourself time to walk 30 minutes a day will make your overall daily life more active. Getting up of at least 100 minutes of movement a day can give you the biggest health benefits. Movements like sweeping the floor, dusting windows, washing the dishes, cooking, stretching or anything that you can do to make your body moves.
4. Floss daily: Add 3.5 years to your life
According to research that people who do the most sitting have an increased risk of heart disease because sitting for a long period of time allows fat to continue circulating in your bloodstream longer, which in turn slows the ability of HDL(the good cholesterol) to clear plaque from your arteries. A healthy smile can also lead to a healthy heart. Many studies reveal that periodontal and cardiovascular diseases are linked. That is why you should floss in the morning and at night that will help improve your health.
5. Eat healthy: add 14 years
Food has a very big impact on the genes that accelerate or that slow down the aging process of the body. Therefore eating is not only eating anything that you want it is choosing the “good and healthy” ones. Eat at least five servings of variety of fruits and vegetables daily. Eating different fruits and vegetables can give a thousands of different disease fighting nutrients says Dr. Katz.Eating fish which is rich in omega3 fatty acids twice a week can help fight heart disease, stroke, hypertension, depression and even Alzheimer’s disease and
Go for fiber-rich whole grains. Spooning up a high-fiber breakfast cereal instead of a more refined, sugary one cuts your risk of heart disease and diabetes by nearly 30%.
6. Have more sex with your partner: add 8 years to your life
I was a little bit amazed of this tip, anyway that’s according to their research then it must be true. Being in a satisfying relationship is good for your heart and soul. Women in a healthy monogamous relationship are significantly healthier compared with those who are either unhappy or sexually inactive says Dr. Roizen.
7. Don’t text and drive: add 2 years to your lifeStudies shows that texting while driving and driving while drunk increases your risk of being in a serious accident, which means you will die at any age.
8. Mange stress: add 4 years
Of course you cant control when and overloaded work and family obligations might hit but how you handle stress has the biggest impact to your health. When you are constantly tense, your blood pressure, heart rate and levels of the stress hormone “cortisol” will also raised which increases your risk for heart disease, stroke and Alzheimers disease and many more. What you can do is to exercise, 15 minutes walking and breathing can be of great help. Being involved with friends or in a community can swept away your stress. A British study shows that people who chewed a gum had less work-related and overall and depression than those who didn’t get this oral fix. It is because chewing a gum can stimulate the vagus nerve which helps the body relax and increases levels of serotonin, a brain chemical that makes the person feel calmer and happier.
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