Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Foods that Help Boost Memory

The kind of food that we eat has a big contribution of having a good memory. Eating a well-balanced diet is the key to making certain that our brain gets sufficient nutrients needed for improved functioning. Studies show that there are certain foods that are great in helping the memory. Having a good memory has a great contribution of getting high grades during exams and oral recitations especially for students. Accredited online colleges are always an option for working towards an online nutrition degree and learn more about this topic. Below are some of the foods which can help improve our memory.

1.      Apples- it has an antioxidant called querceti which help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. It can also boost memory. So it is not advisable to peel off the skin because antioxidant is more concentrated in the skin compared to the flesh.
2.      Spinach- a cup of cooked spinach gives the right amount of your daily folic acid needed which is believed to prevent age-related memory loss. That is why it not only made Popeye to become very strong but improved his brain functioning.
3.      Chocolate- it contains epicatechin to help improve blood flow to the brain which gives a good memory function. Most chocolate contains caffeine which makes a person alert making him to study more effectively and retain as much information as he can. But avoid eating too much of chocolates as they contain lots of sugar that will make you fat.
4.      Soy Milk- it contains choline, lecithin and isoflavones. They are potent natural antioxidants that fight off cancers and improve brain functioning and boost memory.
5.      Legumes- kidney beans, chick peas, lentils and other legumes are foods rich in folic acid an essential nutrient especially for growing fetuses and infants for proper brain development. For student, folic acid will give brain power so that you can top your exams more easily. Legumes are also great source of protein which contributes to the smooth and normal brain functioning.
6.      Nuts- it is good that while studying, you munch some cashews, peanuts, walnuts because it will help you retain much of what you are reading. Nuts are rich in omega fatty acids which is primary component of normally functioning brain. It is also rich in iron which helps in carrying oxygen in the blood. So if you have sufficient and fresh oxygen supplied to the brain, you will stay alert while enhancing your memory.
7.      Onions- it will not only give your favorite dishes some taste but it will also give you the edge you need when studying especially the red variant because it contain anthocyanin and quercetin which is good for preventing Alzheimer’s disease and improve memory.

1 comment:

  1. oh...i will remember these foods!
    you have a very informative blog on health, i like your blog
