What is the most essential nutrient do we need in order for us to actively participate in chemical reactions; lubricates and cushions joints, eyes, spinal cord; aids in body-temperature maintenance and serves as the solvent for many small molecules? The answer is WATER. Many of us just think that water is for quenching our thirst but in reality it is the most important nutrient in our diet. It is very important to drink the right type and amount of fluid to stay healthy especially when our body excretes more sweat during hot season and hard days work
Amount of Fluid Needed Each Day
If you are one of the many people who find it hard to drink the recommended six to eight glasses of water a day, don't lose hope. Most fruits and vegetables contain up to 95 percent water, and many meats and cheeses contain at least 50 percent. A key point is NOT to wait until you're thirsty. If you're thirsty, it means your body has already lost more water than it should have, and it's urging you to fill up the tank. An easy way to check your fluid status is to look at the color of your urine. It should be a very pale yellow. If it's a dark yellow, it means that you're not drinking enough.
Type of Fluid Needed
Water -- First and foremost, our bodies need water. Juice and milk have a high percentage of water, but they also contain calories. If you're watching your weight, drink water. Avoid caffeinated beverages such as most sodas and regular coffee, as caffeine actually causes the body to lose water. The same goes for alcohol.
If you exercise during hot weather, you may prefer a sports drink. Sports drinks contain electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, which are lost in sweat. The salt also makes us thirsty, causing us to drink even more. Juice and soda aren't absorbed as easily during exercise, so save them for before or after your activity.
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