Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Foods That Fight Wrinkles

They say that wrinkles are sign of aging. But don’t you know that we can avoid these? The food that we eat has a lot to say in order to stay healthy and beautiful. That is why if you love the white stuff, I’m talking about “sugar”. It can make your skin sag, crinkle and wrinkle before it’s time. That is because of glycation. It happens when sugar hits your bloodstream, gloms on to proteins and forms the suitably named AGEs (Advanced Glycation End products). AGEs are bad news for your skin. They damage the collagen and elastin fibers that keep it strong and supple. Though scientists aren’t ready to say that “sugar causes wrinkles”, but doctors know from observing people with poorly manage diabetes an out of control blood sugar does to skin which causes “premature” aging. So it is a good idea to keep extra inspiration to skip the cakes, cookies and sugary drinks, instead fill your plate with wrinkle fighter foods. According to Amy Wechsler, MD, Manhattan Dermatologist that certain nutrients help nourishes the fibers that keep skin stretchy and healthy. You must have to serve yourself this way:

1.      Cover 50% of your plate with fruits and vegetables.

The antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals in plants act like a dietary highway patrol, pulling over speeding free radicals before they can damage your skin’s collagen and elastin. Vitamin is also essential and we have to take a lot of because it has a great contribution in making new collagen. Since sunlight reduces vitamin E, you need to continually replenish your supply from food not from supplements. Nuts and seeds are full of vitamin C. So add extra flavor or crunch by topping your fruits and veggies with nuts, seeds and sprinkle of olive oil. Olive oil has healthy fats that help skin cells resist wrinkle-causing sun damage.

2.      Fill at least 25% of your plate with lean protein.

Think about fish, skinless white-meat poultry, beans, chickpeas, lentils and tofu, they all give good proteins that your body needs to make new skin cells and keep up with its own anti-aging skin repairs.

3.      Fill 25% of your plate with 100% whole grains.

Load your plate with whole-wheat pasta, brown or wild rice, barley, any bread made from 100% whole grains. They are full of fiber which steadies blood sugar and it has selenium and zinc that helps harness the collagen and elastin-damaging free radicals.

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